
Friday, April 25, 2014

GRAND GIVEAWAY + Blog Hop + Vintage Caravan Style!

*Lipstick Gypsy's 'Tin Gypsy 1965'*

to the world of Lipstick Gypsy! I am so happy you are visiting for a VERY special post- the Vintage Caravan BLOG HOP PARTY! To celebrate the soon-to-be released book-'Vintage Caravan Style' by Lisa Mora.
I am thrilled and honored to have been chosen to review this book, as well as, be a part of the blog hop! 

I am such a passionate vintage trailer enthusiast myself, this collaboration is the perfect fit for Lipstick Gypsy!

LISA MORA authored this brand new book, and is also, the creator and editor of 'Vintage Caravan Magazine' based in Australia.

VCM is the "world's first magazine" dedicated to vintage, classic. retro styled, custom caravans, vintage camper trailers, travel trailers, and ALL those who love them!

Chapter 1: The Joy of Vintage Caravans

Oh, the JOY.....PURE JOY!!!

Lisa and I are definitely kindred spirits, as we both share a deep LOVE and appreciation obsession for these awesome VINTAGE VESSELS!!! AND we both LOVE PINK!

Being the owner of FOUR of these TIN CAN CASTLES myself -I understand the undying affection for the trailer-ing lifestyle.

Lisa does a great job in this chapter covering the history and times when friends and family traveled the highways and byways in search of FUN and ADVENTURE together in these classic campers.

Chapter 2: Finding Your Dream Caravan

The HUNT is ON!!!

Looking for and dreaming about your personal playhouse is a lot of the FUN on your joyful journey to finding your very own camper.

I have rescued, restored, NAMED, and decorated, 2 1/2 of my 4 trailers. 
Lisa covers repairing and restoring these mini-homes-on-wheels to full on face lifts inside and out!
Be diligent, Be persistent....
YOU are on a MISSION! :-)

Chapter 3: Choosing a Theme


My FAVORITE part of the process! 
I, myself, have so many themes I have to keep acquiring vintage trailers to indulge my imagination!!! My 1965 'Tin Gypsy' I often use for "business purposes" coordinating with the Lipstick Gypsy brand in color and theme, she is my SHOW PONY!

I participate in vintage street markets, antique fairs, private trunk shows, and special events with her all DOLLED UP! 

Choosing a theme is all about YOU, yourself, and yours-put you mark on it, and express yourself! GO BIG!

Chapter 4: Color Scheme

Again-you get to decide, and go CRAZY here. This is the time to unleash that inner WILD CHILD, and let your TRUE COLORS really shine through!!!

Chapter 5: Decorating Your Caravan

THEME-done! COLOR-got it! 

Lisa mentions to personalize these spaces by adding your own flair.

Now it's time to really feather your NEST, and add the personal touches that resonate with YOU! Think like you are decorating your DREAM HOME-only on a dollhouse scale! 

I get so carried away hunting and gathering for my trailers
 I end up having to edit, edit, edit (a real challenge for me!)

Chapter 6: Taking a Road Trip

Now that your trailer is all GUSSIED want to shower her to the world!

We be trippin' -ROAD TRIPPIN' that is!

The open road, windows down, wind in my hair, dogs by my side, trailer on my HITCH! The GYPSY in my SOUL need to ROAM!

Lisa covers what to bring and what not to, as well as, important pointers on hitchin' up and making the most of your trip!

Chapter 7: The Onsite Caravan

If your caravan "CASA" is or will be immobile -the space may serve as guest quarters, studio, play house, OR you may just want to live in it permanently!

Lisa covers the stationary caravan nicely.

Each of my GLAMPERS offer a very different environment. So I am lucky to choose one based on mood! Being so cozy and homey, decorated to your very liking with special touches, it feels like an escape to spend time in it, even in your driveway!

Chapter 8: The Caravan Community

This is possibly the BEST part of the vintage trailer-ing lifestyle -the community it offers!

Like minded people that are as enthusiastic and passionate about the very same thing YOU are. I agree with Lisa here about the camaraderie that lies in exchanging stories, tips, and advice on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING vintage caravan/trailer!

This common shared interest creates relationships and friendships that may last a lifetime! 

Speaking of visit the other blogs participating in this Blog Hop for more perspectives on this great book! -click here to see a full schedule of participating blogs!


In celebration, Stitch Craft Create and Lisa Mora have offered a copy of the NOT YET RELEASED "Vintage Caravan Style" Book to a LUCKY Lipstick Gypsy FOLLOWER! We are SO excited about this we are adding a one-of-a-kind Vintage Necklace from the LG WANDERLUST Collection!!! :-) The giveaway is open to everyone. All entries are due by Sunday, May 4th, 2014 at 11 pm MDT. A RANDOM winner will be picked and notified via e-mail on Monday, May 5th, 2014.

Enter below for up to 14 entries to WIN!!! 
(or you may pre-order a copy 'Vintage Trailer Style' here)

Blame it on my GYPSY SOUL....that's how I "ROLL"!


  1. Love this !!! I want a vintage camper. They are so cute.

  2. I love these little jewels and it's all because of you! I can't get my husband to climb on board though. He wants the newest, biggest camper out there. It's so sad he doesn't get it...

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  3. I need this book. I already have started a collection of Vintage Camper books. I could just sit on my deck and look at them all day. Would also love to have a necklace from my favorite Lipstick Gypsy!

  4. This is my newest "Kick". Want need and love these. Mainly because I can pick up and go in MY space. You are truly blessed to have the tin Gypsy!!! Please give me first right of refusal if you ever want to sell her :)

  5. My dream road trip would include a cross country trip to California stopping at little towns along way, so me and my fiance can visit local restaurants and shops.

  6. My dream road trip would be from Central New York to New Orleans with stops in Georgia and South Carolina to photograph small town America. I would check out local thrift shops and search for the best cup of local coffee and drive-in theaters.

  7. I need this book!!! I have my dream caravan an Olympic Debonair, now to begin the process of doing her up! Love your blog xx

  8. Oh my goodness, what a fun book. My husband wants a canned ham so badly. So do our grown daughters. What fun it would be to restore one. I'm dreaming of a circus theme.. Fun stuff. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to enter the giveaway.



  9. Uhoh, want one after seeing this eye candy.

  10. Awesome giveaway! Always loved these!

  11. I'd love to spend a few weeks going around Tasmania, but I don't know how I'd cope with the cold...

  12. Wow So nice blog. It's look like so beautiful. We are also the same business of Caravan. For know more about us, please visit Caravans and Camper Trailers today.

  13. I can't get over how cute these are! I love all the bright colors. We have a little caravan trailer, but think it would love to decorate it like this. It could be so much cuter, even if we just added some color to it!


Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and leave a little gypsy love!! Gypsy Kisses XOXO