
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Remnants of the Past...Past Due!!!

Greetings to all of you, dear, sweet, PATIENT, friends!!! To say our lives have been a whirlwind as of late, would be a HUGE understatement!!! But the wait is over...we want you to know what we have been up to...
REMNANTS OF THE PAST VINTAGE SHOW, was held in San Luis Obispo on the central California coast. LIPSTICK GYPSY was blessed and honored to be personally selected and invited to be among the BEST of the BEST in this biz!!! 

WHAT AN HONOR...once again we were among over-the-top, infinite, amazing talent!!! 
"Rustic Romance" was our theme, vintage was our scheme! 

These boots are made for JUNKIN'!!!

Good Gypsy Junk!

Settin' up shop...
My line of THE ORIGINAL Shabby Gypsy Slips...were a huge hit and sold phenomenally well! I came home with only a handful! :)
Many were sold the first day, and returned the next day worn by there new owners looking quite snappy!
Katy and Collette...two of my faves!!! With incredible talent and an amazing stage set for this show...

I wanted some of EVERYTHING in their space...truly awe inspiring, the GREAT JUNK they gathered for this sale!!! 
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these two and all they do!

Tim and Lisa of BLUE CANOE RELOADED...
Once again we were thrilled to have THE BEST neighbors...
these two, with their uber talents, are absolutely incredible stagers and TRUE artists!!!



Sandy, from The Olive & Rose 
Dear, sweet, helpful, sincere, genuine, loving, Sandy!
Of all our hugs and loves we failed to get a picture of us together (this time) 
Her booth was adorable, she's a wiz in the biz! And we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our Sandy!!!

Please know that this is only a snippet of the great vendors and friends who made up this AMAZING event!!! 

We apologize for being in "SHOW MODE" and not getting pictures with each participant and their space! If you were apart of the show you are definitely the bees knees!!! And we loved getting to know each and everyone of you!
A deep bow and heartfelt thanks to JUDY the shows proprietor. Thank you is not enough to express our deepest gratitude to you for honoring Lipstick Gypsy with a personal invitation to your class act show!!!


Another STELLAR show under our Gypsy belts, we also THANK YOU, customers, friends, and followers! For your support and kindness in making Lipstick Gypsy a true success!!!

Without you ALL we could not have possibly grown into what we are today, and for that we are humbled!!!

Ciao for now,
Gypsy Love
P.S. All of you that have been so PATIENTLY waiting and inquiring about the BIG REVEAL for the interior of "Tin Gypsy" my beloved GLAMPER...

Stay tuned, next weeks post is sure to please!!! ;)

See you soon!


  1. It looks like so much fun, I wish I could have been there. Everything looks like it could be on my "get it" list! xoxo-cindy

  2. What a great Show... thank you for taking us along virtually... only wish I could have been there in person, I adore going to an Event like this! Your Gypsy Slips are fabulous, its no wonder you had such success with them...

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. I can easily see all the hard work that went in to everyone's spaces. It all looks amazing.
    Lisa and Tim are two of my favorite people...evah! So glad I got the chance to see some of their magic in your photos. That Tim is something else!

  4. It was a fabulous show, and oh so nice to meet you! I bought one of those gorgeous original slips while admiring your pink boots. Thank you for telling me about them because after we left the show my man found a pair online and ordered them for my birthday!

    Hope to see you at the next ROTP :)


  5. Hi guys! Nice post!! It was great to meet you at ROTP...I was your neighbor too...Chateau et Jardin! We had a great time ....especially in the mornings...(bloody marys)! Your booth was amazing, fun and fresh. Just became your newest follower...come visit me too. I hope to see you in June!


Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and leave a little gypsy love!! Gypsy Kisses XOXO