
Friday, July 15, 2011

Where Bloggers Create 2011

Where Bloggers Create 2011...Gypsy Studio Tour

Greetings, to all of you beautiful fellow bloggers and faithful followers! It is time once again for the 3rd annual Where Bloggers Create 2011 party....I am honored to be a part of this fantastic gathering for my 2nd year, and to be among like minded creatives showcasing their amazing spaces...all thanks to Karen of My Desert Cottage ! Big thanks Karen, for not only hosting, but for all the work that goes in behind the scenes! Hats off to you! 

That said...

WELCOME to my Gypsy Haven! Please browse, lounge, make yourself comfortable, look around, and be inspired!
The doors are open...come on in!!!

My creative space has really changed from last year as I have acquired MANY more supplies for creating and collected MANY more beloved treasures to add to my nest! In true Bower bird form!!

I LOVE everything about my studio!!! It really serves me not only for creating and designing, but as a quiet refuge away from all the daily demands of life!

Leopard lounge offers a cushy place to read, dream, and nap! Also contemplate new designs for Handmade Gypsy.

I am simply a mad Gypsy when it comes to arranging supplies and vignettes. I consider my collections to be like Gypsies themselves...always on the move! ;)

I live by the motto...

"Too much of a good thing can be wonderful"

In my world one is NEVER enough!

Many of you have met "Gypsy" at roadshows we have been a part of...and know she is my "SHOW PONY"! She's sporting a 20s flapper look as of late! Hard to tell what era she'll choose next?

Rustic romantic style suits my strong love for rustic elements mixed with refined pieces...a crystal chandy hanging against barn wood!!!

I have a deep love and attraction to natural elements....all things nature! LOVE, LOVE,, branches, moss, shells, antlers, horns, bark, feathers...the list is endless, mother nature is grand!!!

I am extremely inspired by nature and have always been outdoorsy and love spending time in the mountains or at the beach. Having pieces of nature surrounding me in my creative space offers comfort and inspiration, of time spent in the wild.

My group of girls help me showcase and display my jewelry/rosettes/shabby slips and layers of other Gypsy finery!

I have always had an intense passion for books and magazines! I am a voracious reader and bibliophile! I am curious and love to know what is going on in others lives and the world!!!

A studio must, a true GYPSY Queen Bee reading chair that is bathed in natural light.

Old religious relics are ANOTHER fave collection and source of spiritual inspiration!

THIS is where all the REAL work and magic take place!!! I can't tell you how many "woman" hours I have spent at this spot in the studio!!!
Hours, days, weeks, spent filling orders, creating designs, building Junk Jewels, and all the business that is Lipstick Gypsy!

ephemera and lace dripping out of the supply drawers...a Gypsy studio staple!

Thank you so much for visiting and touring my sacred space. I sincerely hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I enjoyed having you!!! Now, as you can see my beloved boys and I are "dog" tired and we have to say so long for now! Until next time...

Gigantic Gypsy Love!


  1. Jaw dropping inspiration. A beautiful room created by a beautiful soul.

  2. Your space is just beautiful!! I would love to have my own space to create in.

  3. OMG, I love your space, it's gorgeous. I especially love the leopard lounge. Thanks so much for the tour of your beautiful studio.
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  4. Wow, love all the mannequins! And all the beauties that are tucked into boxes and jars -- I want to explore them all!

    I hope you'll have time to visit my spaces...

  5. Yippee!... another kindred who doesn't go by the motto that less is more. Less is less in my book! I love all your goodies and I love that you are able to have a beautiful inspiring sitting area as well as a crafting area... how fun. I can see you there with a cup of tea imagineering all sorts of new beauties! I love your girls too, they are terribly elegant, mine are dressed as faeries LOL! Thank you for inviting me in, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. If you have a moment please have a peek at my work-play space my address is Chow!

  6. OOOOOOOOH I LOVE YOUR SPACE! really I could lounge all day in there. So Lovely. Thanks for sharing and I hope you will check out my space too.

  7. I love all of your furniture! It is so pretty :D Your space is so lovely and inspirational, thank you for sharing it!


  8. Beautiful elegance. I could live in your studio happily.

  9. I love love love your space! Our studios look nothing alike but we have all the same goodies. We're blog sista's at heart! You did a mavalous' job! I just bookmarked you so I'll be back!

  10. I must say your studio is my favorite! I so love your style and would love creating in a space like this! Thanks for sharing! Teresa from

  11. My Dear Robin,
    I was so sorry I missed you at Monticello. LUV your "play room"! It rocks, like you. Please check out my new blog;, although the last two post are of sad news in my life. I know you can relate though. I'm slowly on the mend and will get back to posting my passions soon so stop by and visit me on my blog okay. Take care and hugs to you.


  12. I'm in love with your studio every photo is stunning thanks for sharing you photos with us.
    have a beautiful day Lisa

  13. OK...lets trade spaces for a bit. You come create in mine and I'll come create in yours. SMILE!




  14. Oh how I love it here! Wow! Everything is so beautiful and I loved seeing every little area and vignette. The calming "shabby" colors are so elegant and inviting... a lovely place to sit and have a cup of tea or roll your sleeves up and make art!

    Your dogs are adorable too!
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. What a cool and interesting collection of treasures you have and i love the way you display them. Very creative and original ideas...just loved every inch of it! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope you will stop by my little studio and say hello! bertie

  16. what a gorgeous..gorgeous creative space! the color palate. soooo soothing. right up my alley! sigh...

  17. Beautiful....
    ~I'm in heaven~


  18. I love the feeling in your Studio, all that vintage and mysterious allure. I came and I stayed. Thanks for sharing it :)

  19. HI Robin,
    It is gorgeous! You have some really wonderful treasures there but I am most amazed by the order of it all! I just have *piles* was so nice to meet you...thanks for coming by:)

  20. Your space is so gorgeous I would love to create here everyday. thanks for sharing photos of your studio I love love everything

    Have a beautiful day Lisa

  21. Wow soooooo dreamy...loads of wonderful eye candy everywhere! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your amazing space.
    Be blessed, Lorena

  22. I adore your style!!! That room is just fabulous and sooo enjoyed going through it several times!!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! The party would not have been the same without it!!!

  23. Your space is a true bower bird fantasty come to life! What a creative haven indeed. Love it. I bet you have fun working in here hey? It's lovely. *smiles* Norma

  24. Oh my goodness, what a great space you have. LOVE that cabinet!

  25. Your craft space is romantic and dreamy. I am a bit jelouse, but maybe one day i will have my own craftcpace.

  26. Your studio is simply stunning! I have a thing for those old jewelry boxes and satin lingerie trays myself. Simply cannot leave one behind! Thank you for sharing all this wonderful eye candy!

  27. Oh my! Your studio is STUNNING! What a dream....I don't think I would ever leave.

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful space!

  28. Your Studio space is amazing... it has been so much fun to see all of the creative spaces shared during this wonderful Blog Party... so inspiring, so much eye candy and a delight to the eyes.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  29. Wow, looks like a fun place to create, you can lounge and I'll come and fan you with the big feathers!!!LOL I love the glass covers!!!
    Let me invite to stop by my craft cottage!!!

  30. Stunning and elegant are the words that come to mind...the bust of the lady with the pearls got my special attention. this is on my list of among my favorite creative spaces that I have visited! For sure!!!
    Thanks so much for the lovely tour of your beautiful room!!!

  31. What a wonderfully inviting & creative space you have! I would love to sit on one of those comfy sofas and just take it all in. I'd also like to poke around in those supply drawers a bit! Thanks so much for sharing your fabulous space.

  32. Love your studio space and those dress mannequins! I'm a collector myself! Everything about your creative space is just beautiful.

  33. Wow! Love your studio and soo envious with the lovely things you have. So enjoyed the visit.
    I especially loved looking at your springer spanials dogs. We just had to put ours down and my heart melts seeing them. Well anyway my dh and I have an antique store called Minnie Jane's in Richland Washington. If you ever get this way stop in. Sally

  34. I am in envy of every little nook and cranny in your space! I love all of your treasures and your "ladies" are divine.

  35. I simply love EVERYTHING...
    I will just leave it at that.
    Thanks so much for sharing your amazing space with us.
    Have a great weekend.

  36. So much gorgeousness in one place! I LOVE it!!!! All the prtty baubles...I could spend hours here!The dress forms are my fave!

  37. Your vintage cabinet in the first photo is so adorable. With that alone I fell in love with your studio. With the two lounge chairs, my guess is you have a fairly large studio, you lucky girl. You have wonderful baubles and treasures, thanks for letting us see them and thanks for the tour of your beautiful work space hideaway.

  38. Wow! Your studio is gorgeous and so romantic! It feels like it's from another time. Thank you so much for the tour!

  39. What a beautiful studio! I'm in aahhhh!!! It's so creative,beautiful,and yummy!!!

  40. Love, love, love it!
    Such an awesome room full of things inspiring and beautiful!
    Sure must be a nice refuge. Gorgeous studio! Thanks for sharing! It's taking me a while to hop from blog to blog, but I'm really enjoying this party!
    Hope you'll get a chance to hop on to my humble space.

  41. Blissfully comforting with lavish niches throughout...outstanding space!

  42. WOW!!! I love everything about your space. So romantic and beautiful.

  43. Goodness... I could get lost in your studio for DAYS and have a ball!!! It's all so gorgeous!!!

  44. Love your creative space! So much fun...I would love to just get lost in there. So happy I found you, it's definitely right up my alley.

  45. Love the light and bright of your space. Wonderful place to create.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  46. What a beautiful creative space you have!! Love your furniture especially the chair and sofas!! And you really showed us some great storgae ideas. Love the use of old jewelry boxes!! I will now be on the look out for some of those!!

    Thanks for sharing!! It was a pleasure to visit you!!



Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and leave a little gypsy love!! Gypsy Kisses XOXO